...Alright, that way a really bad simile. But today's blog post was not to talk about hockey. Today's post was made specifically to talk about this.

This is about Pride and Prejudice. I've seen the movie about 713 times in the past, and last night was the only time I've ever cried. It's not a sad movie, oh no. I cried from longing. Longing that Mr. Darcy was not a fictitious character. I'm in love. Not with Matthew Macfadyen. No. I'm in love with Mr. Darcy.

How can you not be? He's so wonderful. And he always looks so sad! It's adorable! And the scene in the rain where he tells her he loves her and asks her to marry him and then they fight and scream at each other and almost kiss and she says you're the last man on earth I would ever be prevailed upon to marry... oh my god. I cried at that one, not because she didn't agree to marry him but because it was just so POWERFUL. And the rain, and the fighting, and the acting was incredible. Oh, dear god. I can't take it. He's just so amazing.
I found it on youtube.
Doesn't that just make your jaw just drop like 17 inches to the floor? Mr. Darcy is the love of my life.

Okay, these next three pictures come from another one of my favorite scenes. I takes place outside in the very early morning, with the mist and the dew and the grey sky...you can almost feel the coolness of the air as your watching it. Wow. So good. This movie is amazing.

Aw. And then, he asks her to marry him again, and this time she does say yes! Well, she doesn't say yes, and he doesn't exactly ask her either... it's more of like a common understanding kind of thing. But he says this line, and it makes me cry, I'm actually welling up writing this right now just thinking about it...
"You have bewitched me, body and soul. And I love...I love... I love you. I never wish to be parted with you from this day on." And then, AND THEN! She says:
"Well then." And she kissed his hand! And his face while she's doing it is just...priceless. And then Kiera Knightly goes and says this line, and basically ruins the whole scene.
"Your hands are cold." LOL. And then he nods, in like a really sexy, I'm about to cry I'm so in love with you and I feel like I'm having sex for the first time because you just kissed my hand kind of way. It super hot. Kay, actually, never mind. I found it on youtube.
Yeah, I KNOW RIGHT? Best scene in all of television? I think so. Well, except for a kiss. But, if that's all you're looking for, all you have to do is fast-forward about...5 minutes. And then you'll find this scene. And after that, you'll find the end credits. Ready? I'm going to cry. Are you?
I just died.
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