Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Equivalency in German Coins

Apparently, Heater's equivalent in valuability is Marty Havlat, which is a prettybig honour in my opinion. This is because Dany Heatly was traded from the Sharks. He has been traded to the Wild. The um, Minnesota WILD. The newest team to enter the NHL, if we're discounting the Jets, which I will continue to do for a significant amount of time in the future until I become accustomed to the lack of Thrashers. I'm sorry, can we just take a second or two to absorb this new information...okay. I think I got it. Dany Heatly has been traded. To a really crappy team. And there is not a single thing he can do about it. This is where I cue in my meniacle laughter. Muah. Muah. Muahahahhahhaahahaha.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


This made me cry. Highlight: the Geno text. Tears. Must read. Now.

Saturday, July 2, 2011